Thursday, June 30, 2016

RV or not to RV?

June 2016

It started when my husband & I were talking about our recent move to Arizona.  We have lived here for a year now and we miss our kids terribly.  Although they are grown, the youngest is 20 years old, they won't move to Arizona!  They are perfectly content where they are living.  One day out of the blue I said to my husband that we should buy a RV.  That way we could visit the kids whenever we wanted.  We wouldn't have to plan visits around the airfare, hotel and car rental rates and board our two dogs.  Sure it would be an expense up front but a savings in the long run.  Makes sense to me.

At first I didn't think my husband took me seriously but as the heat of the summer approached with it's 100+ temperatures he started to look into renting places in the higher part of the state for a week or month to escape the heat but the rates were crazy!  The more we talked about buying an RV the more he was on board and he started looking at ads and on Craigslist.  We looked at a few from Craigslist but they were too old, too big, too many things that need repair.  There were a few that we saw on used lots but nothing really "spoke" to us until we saw a 2003 Dynamax Starflyte (picture above) on a used RV lot.  Now, we just went there to look, and the next thing we knew we were taking it for a test drive!  One week later it was ours :-)

We planned our first trip close to home in case anything should happen on our first time out.  We called this trip our Shake Down trip to see what 'bugs' the RV might have.  More on this trip next time.

"Adventure is out there"